Fez (fes) Travel Guide: Essential Facts and Information

Morocco is famous for its historic Imperial Cities: Fez, Meknes, Marrakesh and Rabat. Of the four, Fez is both the oldest and the most impressive. Its old town, or medina, is ranked as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and houses the oldest university in the world. Within its myriad medieval streets, a wonderland of vibrant color, sound and scent awaits.

A City of Old and New

Fez was founded in 789 by Idris, the Arab ruler responsible for founding the Idrisid dynasty.
Since then, it has earned itself a reputation as an important center of trade and learning. It has served as Morocco's capital on several different occasions, and experienced its own Golden Age under the rule of the Marinids - the dynasty that presided over Fez (fes) during the 13th and 14th centuries. Many of the medina's most iconic monuments (including its Islamic colleges, palaces and mosques) date from this glorious period of the city's history. 

Key Attractions:

Chaouwara Tanneries
Fez is famous for its leather, and at traditional tanneries like Chaouwara, leather production methods have changed very little since medieval times. Here, skins are laid out to dry in the hot sun and vast vats are filled with dyes made from turmeric, poppy, mint and indigo.

Pigeon dung is used to soften the leather before it is dyed, and the stench of the tanneries is often overwhelming. However, the rainbow colors of the dye vats in the early morning make for excellent photos. 
Kairaouine Mosque
Tucked deep into the heart of the medina, the Kairaouine Mosque is the second-largest mosque in the country. It's also associated with the world's oldest continuously run university, the University of Al-Karaouine, whose origins date back to the mid-9th century. The library at Kairaouine Mosque is one of the oldest and most important in the world. Non-Muslims will have to content themselves with viewing the mosque from the outside, however, because they are not allowed to enter inside.
Getting There
There are several ways to get to Fez. Train travel is reliable and safe in Morocco, and Fez's station offers connections to many of the country's biggest cities including Tangier, Marrakesh, Casablanca and Rabat. Trains rarely fill up ahead of time, so it's usually possible to book a seat on your day of intended travel. Alternatively, long distance bus companies like CTM or Supratours , Private taxi Fes (Fez) offer a cheaper way to travel between Morocco's main destinations. Be aware that there are two bus stations in Fez. 


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